Authors |
Shinyaeva Olga Viktorovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, head of sub-department of political sciences, sociology and public relations, Ulyanovsk State Technical University (32 Severny Venets street,
Ulyanovsk, Russia),
Kaiumova Leisian Khatiamovna, Postgraduate student, Ulyanovsk State Technical University (32 Severny Venets street, Ulyanovsk, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Development of the civil society is an important priority of the modern era. The Russia's future, its place in the global community largely depend on involvement in this process of the general population. The problem is that the civil society in Russia is positioned on a very narrow social base. In the context of the problem is an issue o interaction between the government and the society. The aim of the article is to identify readiness of the society to exercise social and political activity, to define the role of regional ideas in building an effective dialogue between the authorities and the society.
Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of our analysis was the theory of understanding. We studied the work of domestic and foreign authors on the topic of the civil society and the conceptual understanding of communications in the course of its development. The empirical analysis is based on the sociological research – «The attitude of the regional center population to the new brand of the region» (Ulyanovsk, 2012; 850 people surveyed), «The socio-political orientation and the social activity of the population» (Ulyanovsk region, 2013; 1200 people surveyed).
Results. Currently, the regional management bodies are formally ready to establish permanent contacts with the population; this willingness is caused by the necessity to perform legal acts of the Russian Federation aimed at building the civil society. The population is less formally and really ready for permanent contacts with the authorities: the share of those regularly displaying the social activity does not exceed one tenth of the population. During the process of reformation the conception of social activity has not been formed in the public consciousness. This situation is relevant for other regions of Russia. A regional idea can play an information-stimulating role and perform an integrating function only in conditions of a constructive socialstate dialogue. This is possible with proper choice of the main ideas and correctly lined up communications between the population and the authorities.
Conclusions. The obtained results of the study allowed us to formulate the following rule: the higher is the level of information secrecy and passivity of the population, the lower is the perception of formal ideas of regional development and the degree of social integration. Information closeness is the observed trend of a weak aspiration to get information and to perceive social significance, as well as the deficit of social information transmission by communication channels. Russia's future is closely linked with formation of the social cohesion, understood as bringing people together around common ideas. Transition of the Russian regions to the innovative way of development is impossible without creating a sense of ownership among the population, including creation of a real system of citizen participation in life settlements, transparency of the government's actions, taking into account the opinions of various groups in the ongoing regional programs.
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